Church By-laws
Learn how Trinity is governed by taking a look at our By-Laws. You will find information on membership qualifications, officer positions, and the different offices of ministry that makeup Trinity. Follow the link below to read our By-Laws.
Church Leadership
Board of trustees
Ed Thomas Chairman
Dale Lewis Vice Chairman
Jasmine Bonds
Craig Enck
Richard Gue
David Leesnitzer
Marc Mason
Petra Roche
Lee Schwarzenberg
Dexter Slaughter
Joe Sousa
Board of deacons
Ted Beaver​
Raul Gomez
Barbara Meek
Church finances
At Trinity, our goal is to be transparent and accountable with the way that we handle our finances. That's why you can find the approved budget for the current year as well as quarterly reports of where our money is going in the links below.
stay informed...
Missed the last business meeting? Trying to remember what was discussed? Don't worry! Click the link below to find the meeting minutes.